Abbey Cemetery

Mortuary Chapel

From the previous post I derived a story from this cemetary. It was built at a time when the cemeteries in Britain were overcrowded and there was a scandal that created a boom in building cemeteries outside of cities. Architects were hired and they were designed in many cases to serve the purpose of public parks as well. Built in 1844 this was during the great Victorian fashion of lavish funerals and memorials for the dead. This is a great example due to its size and number of grand tombs.

The cemetery can be reached as an extension of a walk from Widcombe in Bath to the Thomas a Becket church. If one continues along Church Road from Widcombe Road towards Ralph Allen Drive then up the hill to the entrance.

It is thick with weeds however there are mown paths for browsing the graves. Some of the more prominent tombs I have included below.

Crimean War Memorial

The Crimean war memorial is notable for including the names of enlisted men at the base an exceptional practice at the time.

Location:Bath Somerset UK
