Widcombe Walk
This is a walk I took on July 16th 2012. You leave the train station and travel under the tracks behind the station to find a foot bridge over the Avon river. Here turn left along Rossiter street until you encounter little Churchill bridge over the Avon and Somerset canal. Walking along the river pass the Travelodge on the left and continue to Spring Crescent or Spring Garden road and turn right. Our destination is the area above Widcombe but by a less direct route. Here is the map On Ferry Lane continue up the road and cross the railway under the arch the further up cross the main road to Pulteney Gardens. At this point the road crosses the canal again and a short excursion to the left reveals the location for the old pump house and the related chimney. This is where a steam engine pumped water to keep the canal full. Past the canal turn right on Abbey View Gardens for a nice view of the city and you guessed it the Abbey in the foreground are allotment gardens. Turn back to Abbe...