Exploring Anthotypes

I was perusing YouTube the other day looking up information on toning. I ran across a nice little video of making Anthotypes from Paul Bishop . He presents it in a straightforward enough way I thought why not. There are lots of other online resources. Before my holidays I ordered some Isopropyl alcohol and Borax and when I returned gave it a try. He used turmeric and I have plenty of the stuff so started with that. I placed about 1/2 gram of turmeric in 100 ml of alcohol. I stirred it well then used a coffee filter to filter out the solids. The result is a yellow liquid of the Curcumin in solution. Curcumin is the chemical responsible for the yellow color of turmeric. I sensitized a piece of paper with the tincture. The paper I chose was the backside of some MG Art 300 test prints. It is a cotton rag paper. As such it absorbs a lot of the tincture and I am not certain a thick absorbent paper is best but this is what I tried first. I placed the paper on a baking ti...