Pin Registered Negative Carrier for the ‘Beast’
Introduction It all started with a little trouble dodging shadows in a print I was working on. This lead me to explore masking in an intuitive fashion have never really studied it. I always thought a contact print on film could be used to reduce contrast or lighten shadows depending on the exposure and contrast of the contact print. So I started there. I also started to read more and looked into the problem of registration. There are pin registration systems though they are expensive (on the order of $500). I began to think about making one myself. A little more research and I could see the pieces coming together. The Implementation The core of the system is to produce 2 precisely spaced holes in film or a film carrier. This is simply addressed by a two hole paper punch like follows. Hole Punch This punches 1/4” holes. I had to order this from Amazon as in the UK the hole punches have 6mm holes. The reason becomes apparent when I learned that a company called Ternes-Bur