Printing Monk's Wood: Monk's Path

Introduction Yet another print from my April collection of images from Monk's wood. This one I call Monk's path as it has one of the many paths there in the frame below an old gnarled oak tree. The tree and the leading line of fence posts is what caught my eye. The day was early spring and without tree cover or clouds the shadows were quite harsh and resented a small challenge to print. Blog Post Cover Image This print like the ones I have execute recently are on Ilford MG ART 300 cotton rag paper. Monk's Path I started with soft filter test strip at f16 f16 #00 Filter Test Strip This leads me to think 11 seconds gives the right notion of tone I want. Next I decided to merge my first soft filter full print with the hard filter test print. I am aiming to complete this print in the 4 sheets I have left from this box of paper hence combining some steps. Hard Filter Test Strip f16 #00 11 seconds# 5 test From this I think my soft filter choice is too light. The bottom 2 inches...