Eulogy for the West

Prologue I remember well the smoke rising off the mountain in the late afternoon summer. Silver surplus war bombers circling and banking against the rock of the mountain spewing long tails of gore, their dyed slurry of fire retardant. They remain in my mind small and insignificant against the plume of smoke, the mountain, the sky, and the landscape of my hometown. From our front deck we had the perfect view to watch the Mt Elden fire as it started as a small plume of smoke at the base and then watched in distress as it advanced up the dry rocky face of the mountain. By night fall it had covered most of the visible face of the mountain and Flagstaff was able to watch with uneasy fascination as old conifers a hundred feet or more tall burst into flame and flared like a struck match before dying out as quickly as they flared into the brief consumption of all that was green and needed for life. What we didn’t understand was the worse was out of sight north of the town and along the easte...