Angry Boomers
I have been frustrated this past month as I gear up for the fall season. The weather has been very warm and windy here in the UK. These conditions mean not a lot of color and bad conditions for photographing foliage. This has lead to spending more time in other activities one of which is contributing to the Reddit analog/film community. I enjoy helping people where I can and learning what others have to share. I recently saw a post asking about platforms for discussions on these topics and asking for recommendations. The complaint about many sites involved the presence of ‘Angry Boomers’. Which I took to mean grumpy baby boomers. Most of them were forums like FADU (Film and Darkroom Users). I have often searched these forums for information as I explored different photographic topics. There is a wealth of old-timer information there. These comments about 'Angry Boomers' gave me pause to think about this phenomenon.
Generally when I see a conflict I aim to understand first rather than judge. As a disclosure I am at the very tail end of the definition of a Boomer. And I reflect on the culture of Reddit as a platform that has a much younger demographic. I believe the primary conflict between the groups is based on how one acquires knowledge and each camp has problems with the other’s approach.
Gathering Knowledge
For me and many like me we grew up without the Internet. I first encountered the first vestiges a few years out of university. I worked in the electronics business as an engineer and so was an early adopter. In general information took work to garner. Reading magazines, books, datasheets. All paper. It also required personal exploration of topics and of course learning from close colleagues. One often had to puzzle out something alone and experiment and make mistakes.
Along with this ethos I met some engineers that resented being asked to solve other people’s problems; understandably. They saw this as lazy with people relying on someone else’s effort to get their jobs done. One particularly smart engineer I knew actually told his boss he could see what his boss was doing wrong but said he wouldn’t tell him because he would learn more by figuring it out himself. His boss later told me this engineer was right he did learn something.
For me I always loved the challenge of solving problems and troubleshooting. It was a skill I cultivated and it has served me well in career and life as I have a framework and confidence I can work out solutions to complex problems. Willingness to fail and experiment are part of this. Before I go to someone else for help I always felt an obligation to make an honest effort in solving the problem myself. I could then take this to someone as starting point for a more equal discussion. Lessons one has to work through, especially difficult ones, are better learned and remembered as well.
As I worked through my career information became easier to acquire; so much was available at the click of a mouse. I was also aware that this lead to a frustration when it wasn’t available in this form. When you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for instantly. I was amazed at how frustrating it felt to go back to the old skills.
I think this is the crux of the Angry Boomer problem. People who grew up with the Internet and social media live in a culture of easy information and cooperation and mutual aid which all sounds good. But what I find irritating is when this ethos goes too far; like someone presenting a problem with 1) no visible effort of having tried to solve it themselves, 2) not presenting enough information to allow someone to make a reasonable stab at suggesting solutions. It is as if they have never solved a problem themselves and think experts have so much knowledge they summon up the answer from just a scan of a negative.
Angry Boomer Trigger Warning :)
I think these people do themselves as well as the community a disservice. I cannot imagine going through life without some framework for solving problems. Gain some understanding about what you are doing. If you don’t understand how film works there a bizzilion websites and videos to help you. Do some reading and research, trust me it is easier than ever. You will be surprised how good it feels to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals. I suspect you are doing film precisely because is is not easy. If you want easy get a digital camera.
Revel in the complexity, divide the problem. Take as a challenge some area of ignorance and improve and perfect your understanding.
If you do approach the angry boomer forums be sensitive about the perception of wasting people’s time. These are people freely giving of their time and expertise. They are under no obligation to do so. If you have not presented the problem completely along with steps you took to investigate you are wasting someone’s time and should expect a rebuke. These are cultural divides both sides need to have some patience and sensitivity. I am also aware that there are some people who are just angry, grumpy, and or disagreeable by nature. There is no helping that except to ignore it.
For my part I love the free sharing of help and information and positive support on the Reddit forums. Not everything everyone does or posts is my cup of tea. But I like that people are having fun and taking their own personal journey. This is the point of a hobby. To have fun, find an outlet and place to develop ones talents.