Weight: One Thing Leads to Another

I contribute occasionally on Reddit and offer my opinions and experience. There are occasionally times when someone asks about large format recommendations. (I should probably declare that I can be cheap and shop for value/bang for the buck.) I have my own experience and journey that has not been particularly long but as with any journey insights are gained. Reflecting on this I can now look back at how ones choice in equipment influences subsequent choices. Now my viewpoint is specifically as a hobbyist photographer who enjoys landscape film photography. With respect to the Intrepid camera it meets certain needs such as cost and low weight that have meaning for me. If you work in a studio weight will have little meaning in your choice. When Intrepid first launched they got a few YouTube reviews/endorsements from the likes of Ben Horne, Alex Burke, Steve Onion’s, and Justin Lowry. I have noticed a number of them stopped using the Intrepid in their more recent videos. Returni...