Another DIY Project: Lens Storage for the Beast

I continue to have a dry-spell on my photography work. It is strange how I went from overflowing with projects and enthusiasm to to my current dry-spell. It seems to have been brought on my the COVID lockdown. I have thought perhaps I may not return but remind myself that I have spent months before and always returned with renewed energy. It will come back. In the mean time I am enjoying hanging out in my shop and reuniting with another older passion of woodworking . After I finished the shelves ( see prior post ) I had some leftover plywood and had been contemplating a problem I had with my 4x5 enlarger ‘The Beast’. The Beast is a Durst Laborator 54 enlarger. I picked this up for free and have always enjoyed it. When I picked it up it had a number of accessories. Among these are a set of 5 large condenser lenses which I had laying about the place conscious they were pretty vulnerable. The lenses are used in pairs according to the objective lens in use and size of the negative....