Trestle Creek (Digital)

This afternoon I went for a drive up Trestle Creek not far from the lake. It is a Forest Service logging road. Along the way I stopped at a couple of random locations and scrabbled over fallen logs and brush. There was no trail or destination in mind. I was there to immerse myself in the dark wetness of the steep ravine at the bed of which runs the rambunctious Trestle Creek. An above average snowpack in the Cabinet mountains higher up feeds this fast torrent of clear water as it pours off the mountain eventually to make a small contribution to Lake Pend Oreille. The Cabinets are a chain of mountains in Norther Idaho along the border with Montana. They are called this because in places the flat faces of the rocks appear as a pile of cabinets left on the landscape. This makes them also very steep; today there seemed to be no place for the water in Trestle creek to rest or pool, it seems always to be rushing off the mountain. June is a very wet month I am told most years and it cert...