Lake Pend Oreille Print

We are getting ready for our summer holiday to Sandpoint Idaho to visit my Father later this month. This an annual event we always look forward to. Anticipating this I was reminded of last year’s visit and decided to look through some photos I took and found some I wanted to print. The camera I used was my Fuji GSW 690 which has a 65mm lens and a 6x9 negative. In previous posts I have discussed the challenges of printing these negative on my 6x6 enlarger. Basically I can only capture up to 2/3rds of the negative. The photo in question was shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 film. Here is the original photo. Original negative It was taken from the highest point in the house but has a lot of foreground distraction. What attracted me to the shot was the cloud and bright sky mixing with the Monarch mountains on the horizon and the water. So I settled on a severe crop to get what I wanted. A benefit of medium format is this ability to crop and enlarge without introducing a lot of grain. I star...