Old Paper: Ilford Ilfobrom IB4.24P

Another box of old paper. This time the remnants of a 30" x 10m roll of Ilfobrom in an old moldy box. Very risky but the seller said it was at least in its original bag. My interest was to gain experience in making very large prints. Rolls of photo paper 30" wide are expensive however and my experiments may result in me not liking making large prints. Plus where to put them! My interest in large prints goes back to a business my grandfather Cushman Morse had in Phoenix Arizona. It was called Photables. It involved large black and white prints used to make coffee tables. He had a local carpenter make the tables and he took the photos, usually custom, that he then placed under a sheet of glass for the table top. He started with a 4x5 negative and printed it in his own darkroom. My father recalls he developed it using sponges as the trays would have been huge. He had one tray however for fixing which he had custom made out of stainless steel. I recall growing up and visiting m...