Ilford PFP Developer and Kodak Velox

When I purchased a lot of old photo paper I also received some packets of Ilford PFP developer. The website Photomemorabilia has reference to a catalog from 1953 and this seems to jive with other Ilford packaging of that age. The packet is shown below. Ilford PFP Packet PFP is a developer based on Phenidone as a substitute for Metol. The enclosed instructions are reproduced below. The last page of the instructions has a 57 in the corner. This might indicate 1957. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 I decided to test the developer with some Velox as it was from a similar time. Velox Paper It is small paper which fits a small Bakelite contact printer I got with the developer. I only used the contact printer to hold the paper and used the 6x6 red mask to frame it. I aimed my enlarger at the paper as I did not wish in separate the individual negatives to fit them in the printer. As individual negatives they are impossible to put back into sleeves. The print...