Wet Processing

I recently bought a used Meopta Opemus 6 enlarger. I had purchased earlier an Opemus 6x6 a much earlier model however it arrived without a condenser lens and was unusable as such. The seller had a hunt around and could not find where his father who had passed away had put it and so refunded me my money (very nice guy). Rather ship it back to him, he asked me to send a few of the smaller valuable bits to him and I took the rest to the tip. My present one I got for a very good price and a day in Norwich to pick it up. It was fortunate as it is a much better enlarger with a filter tray and the ability to correct for perspective. The lens was a very nice Nikon however it was 50mm which is iffy for 6x6 medium format and had bad vignetting in the corners. Consequently I replaced it with a 75mm lens from an old folding camera. The only thing I am missing is the detents in the aperture setting. I have not done printing in over 35 years I would guess. An...