Lieutenant Frank Whittuck

In 1880 the British army were in Afghanistan and another rebellion was brewing. Lieutenant Frank Whittuck was with the 1st Bombay Grenadiers at Maiwand when it boiled over. Frank was born in Keysham Somerset 16th July 1856. He was the fifth son of William and Matilda. Keynsham is a village between Bath and Bristol where a friend of mine lives today. This appears to be where he grew up. Frank's father was a Captain so it seems he was born into the military. He attended Lansdown and Sydney college (later called Bath College and after that bankrupt in 1909). Later he attended Sandhurst the officer training college. While at college in Bath he played Rugby. Here he is featured in an account of a game played against Clifton. That was 21st November 1874 and in the next six years Frank would graduate attend Sandhurst and be shipped off to defend empire in 'the great game' in Afghanistan as part of the 1st Bombay Grenadiers. Here Britain was defending empire against Russia. Maiwa...